Kazuhito Kidachi's Personal Web Site Since 2000

Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/23/2024

  • Bluesky's AT Protocol: Pros and Cons for Developers - The New Stack

    "Bluesky, a Twitter-like application, is hosted on the AT Protocol and collects data from a user's "personal data server" (PDS). Most of Bluesky's 13 million users are currently hosted on servers owned by Bluesky (the company), but the idea is that over time many people will opt to host their content on either their own personal PDS, or a PDS owned by another organization (similar to how web hosting works)."

  • Web Accessibility and the Second Trump Administration

    "I don't think we should expect the complete end of disability rights in our country. My strategy for the next four years is to keep my expectations low while also expecting that, by 2028, our country won't go as low as a lot of people fear it could go."

  • Alt Text: Don't Just Describe Images

    "While alt text is a crucial tool for making the web more accessible, it's essential to consider the broader context in which users engage with content. Alt text for redundant images is most helpful when the page text directly references the image or when it enables users to complete tasks more efficiently."

  • Avatars and alt text - tempertemper

    "just as an icon that is paired with some text can provide a visual hook only and should be hidden from assistive technology, a user avatar or photo is sometimes only for sighted users."

  • The Future of Design: How AI is Shifting Designers from Makers to Curators | Andy Budd

    "As craft skills become less of a distinguishing factor in design, we may see designers transitioning into roles more akin to editors than creators."

  • CSS Web Components for marketing sites

    "What would happen if we took the ideas of HTML Web Components and skipped all the JavaScript? You get CSS Web Components."

  • Centering things: a solved problem?

    "text-box-trim and text-box-edge are currently supported in Safari 18.2 and looks likely to reach Chrome and Edge relatively soon."

Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/22/2024

人力飛行機のドキュメンタリー映画『The Flight of Bryan』が公開

'Nothing left except quivering protoplasm': the man who pedalled a plane across the Channel | Documentary films | The Guardianを読んで、たまげました。人力飛行機のGossamer CondorならびにGossamer Albatrossでパイロットを務め、Kremer賞を獲得したことで知られるBryan Allen氏にフォーカスした映画が公開されるとのこと!いつの間にそんな作品が企画・制作されていたのだろう。

その映画のタイトルは『The Flight of Bryan』、詳細をThe Flight of Bryan (2024) - IMDbのほうで確認できます。イギリスではちょうど本日、11月22日の劇場公開なんですね。史実に基づく96分間のドキュメンタリー作品らしく、予告編をTHE FLIGHT OF BRYAN | OFFICIAL TRAILER | Altitude Films - YouTubeで見ることができます。

Gossamerシリーズに関する映像作品といえば『Gossamer Albatross: Flight of Imagination』が有名で、私はDuPont社から送っていただいたVHSテープを今でも大切に保管していますが、まさか2024年にもなって同様の作品が封切られるとは、驚きです。果たして日本国内の劇場で同作品を見ることができるのか、ないしオンライン視聴できるようになるのかは不明ですが、やっぱり見てみたいですね。

Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/21/2024


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