Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/01/2025
- New DOJ Title II Web Accessibility Guidance
"This post reviews the good and the bad in the guidance. While complying with the new rule is required, nothing in the new guidance document is mandatory. Instead, the document is intended as high-level guidance to help state and local governments comply with the new regulation."
- Top 6 Examples of AI Guidelines in Design Systems - Blog - Supernova.io
"AI integration in design systems is still a work in progress, with organizations experimenting and iterating to find the most effective solutions. The examples here showcase how early guidelines are emerging to address transparency, user control, and explainability."
- Tooltips are presentational - TPGi
"If the information is essential for all users, then it must be defined in regular static text. If it's only defined in a tooltip, then some users will always be excluded, and there's no way around that -- the whole idea of accessible tooltips is a contradiction in terms."
- Clive Loseby: The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it | TED Talk
"The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone."
- Google Says "Links Matter Less"--We Looked at 1,000,000 SERPs to See if It's True
"Larger companies likely already have marketing efforts and content bringing them links, so links may not be as much of a priority. However, when pages for large companies need a push, I've seen even internal links give a nice boost."
- Foundations: grouping forms with <fieldset> and <legend> - TetraLogical
"Previously, the HTML specification did not allow headings to also function as <legend> elements, but this has since changed and headings can now be wrapped within a <legend>."