Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/26/2025
- una.im | New capabilities for attr()
"Benefits of data-* include: No risk of namespace collision with existing attributes. data-* gives you access to the data list in JavaScript, meaning you can update it with element.dataset"
- A "section" without an accessible name is nothing but a "div" | Stefan Judis Web Development
"Generally, you can forget about sections because they were introduced to support the outline algorithm, which never went anywhere. If you want to expose an important area on your site, check if you can set a landmark with a fitting element (<nav>, <header>, etc.) If nothing fits, use <section>, but remember to provide an accessible name via aria-label or aria-labelledby. Otherwise your section won't provide an accessibility benefit."
- Why the 'none of the above' checkbox pattern worries me - Adam Silver - designer, London, UK
"research showed that some users who had a condition (and were happy to disclose it) selected 'No' because they didn't think of it as a disability."
- How Fingerprinting Can Improve Your Website's Performance - Unifers
"While fingerprinting plays a vital role in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities and enhancing security measures, its applications extend far beyond this realm. The ability to uniquely identify users, even without cookies or logins, opens up exciting possibilities for optimizing website performance."
- Load the default OS font with CSS | Stefan Judis Web Development
"ui-serif for the default user interface serif font. ui-sans-serif for the default user interface sans-serif font. ui-monospace for the default user interface monospace font. ui-rounded for the default user interface font that has rounded features. These only seem to be supported in Safari, though."
- Lesser Known Uses Of Better Known Attributes -- Smashing Magazine
"You can add it to both a file input and an email input to accept multiple files and emails, respectively."