Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/27/2024
- Web Performance Calendar » Unattributed Navigation Overhead (UNO)
"As the saying goes, "if you can't measure it, you can't improve it". That's why we decided to introduce UNO, a new metric that equals the sum of all these unattributed gaps."
- A Twitter eulogy and the complicated relationship with my X... | Christian Heilmann
"If people in a pub or train carriage shout racist, sexist or other hurtful things, I interfere and point out that it isn't tolerated here. This takes courage, but it is incredibly important. Online we should do the same. Just because terrible people are successful doesn't mean they are right."
- CSS light-dark() | 12 Days of Web
"It's worth clarifying at this point that color-scheme is a completely separate concept from the prefers-color-scheme media query, which you might have used in the past to implement a dark mode."
- The underrated <dl> element - HTMHell
"In my testing, NVDA on Windows and VoiceOver on MacOS conveyed a list role, the count of list items, your position in the list, and the boundaries of the list. TalkBack on Android only conveyed the term and definition roles of the <dt> and <dd> elements, respectively."
- Baseline Data Choices - Frontend Masters Boost
"I disagree with their disagreement! lolz. Progressive enhancement doesn't hurt anyone, it lets you use features when ready to do so, so being against that as a concept doesn't work for me."
- Web Performance Calendar » Don't Let Your Redesign Ruin Performance: A Case Study
"Without the basics of Performance Culture, a website redesign can't turn out well. If you're interested in Performance Culture, read Creating a Performance Culture by Steve Souders or Best Practices for Creating a Culture of Web Performance by SpeedCurve."