Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/25/2024
- Understanding the Concept of Scoping in CSS - DEV Community
"To create a donut scope, you define the upper and lower boundaries of your scope. This will create a hole in the scope, where styles do not apply."
- Aria-activedescendant is not focus | Sarah Higley
"aria-activedescendant makes it possible to have screen readers expose both changes to the text input (e.g. the value, valid/invalid state, expand/collapse state, etc.) and also changes to one other associated element, usually in a popup. In other words, it is the primary mechanism that makes comboboxes work"
- I wasted a day on CSS selector performance to make a website load 2ms faster | Trys Mudford
"Through much inversion of control and additional classes/data attributes, I updated almost all instances of :last-child and *. I made a release to our design system fixing the oh-so-inefficient selectors and marvelled at the improvement."
- PDF Accessibility on the Web: Tricks and Traps - Part 2 - TPGi
"Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari will by default open an online PDF document in their browser-native PDF reader - and none of them will take any notice of your efforts to make the document accessible!"
- PDF Accessibility on the Web: Tricks and Traps - Part 1 - TPGi
"PDF was not invented for the presentation of web content."
- The CSS Reset Contradiction -- SitePoint
"There are plenty of sites and apps out there that do not use a CSS reset, and that work completely fine in all user agents. That's part of our reality, and given the performance and maintenance footprint of some CSS resets, it's a reality worth paying attention to."