Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/03/2024
- You are probably already following >30% of the Web Sustainability Guidelines (talk recap + poll results)
"A full one-third of the guidelines are difficult or impossible to meet unless your business adopts certain sustainability policies. How designers are meant to influence business is a whole other topic."
- CSS WG Blog - First Public Working Draft of CSS Grid Level 3 / Masonry Layout
"This draft represents masonry layout as a built-in capability of CSS in two possible syntactic forms: a grid-integrated syntax, and a grid-independent syntax, both of which are outlined as alternatives. We hope publication of this draft facilitates discussion about their relative merits."
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 204 | WebKit
"Added support for cross-document view-transitions."
- Web Components are not Framework Components -- and That's Okay • Lea Verou
"Web Components are still far from being a good compile target for all framework components, but that is not a prerequisite for them being useful. They simply solve different problems."
- Web components are okay | Read the Tea Leaves
"I think the fundamental issue, as I've previously said, is that people are talking past each other because they're building different things with different constraints. It's as if a salsa dancer criticized ballet for not being enough like salsa. There is more than one way to dance!"
- Web Components Are Not the Future -- They're the Present
"If you've built an empire on top of something, there's absolutely zero incentive to tear it down for the betterment of humanity. That's not how capitalism works. It's far more profitable to lock users in and keep them paying. But you know what...? Web Standards don't give a fuck about monetization."
- Web Components Are Not the Future - DEV Community
"If things fall under the same logical grouping they are easier to update. It's when you need to break things apart that it gets truly challenging. You can always add another layer of abstraction to solve a problem but removing one can be difficult."