Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/30/2024
- AI in Chrome - Frontend Masters Boost
"Don't we need to think about standards here though? What if Apple ships window.ai.instantiateIntelligence() with an .ask() method? And Firefox ships navigator.llm('dolly').enqueueQuery()?"
- 927: Thoughts on a Global Design System
"The challenges to this are less than trying to add it to HTML in some ways, it doesn't require browser vendorts to act in concert, sure. We can iterate on it, sure. But the challenges are still huge and trading knowns for unknowns."
- Why I Don't Block AI Scrapers · Jens Oliver Meiert
"If anyone walks around and copies content, to reuse it and resell it--then that's theft regardless of whether you had put up a sign, "no stealing, please." And as there hasn't even been an unwritten "contract" with any AI company, AI scraping the Web appears to be nothing but theft."
- Paragraphs | scottohara.me
"Hell, if you even think you might want to try and get clever with it and do some things that HTML doesn't allow, you're probably setting yourself up for some foolishness."
- Starliner return from ISS set for Sept. 6 - SpaceNews
"Boeing's CST-100 Starliner will depart from the International Space Station Sept. 6, ending a three-month flight that saw the spacecraft unable to demonstrate its ability to safely return astronauts from orbit."
- The "Other" C In CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Sara's presentation, "The Other 'C' in CSS", was published on YouTube just last week. It's roughly 55 minutes of must-see points on the various ways CSS can, and does, impact accessibility."
- Thunderbird Appointment
"Thunderbird Appointment makes it easy to find a time to meet. So you can ditch the admin and streamline your day."