Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/17/2024
- Transition to `height: auto` & `display: none` Using Pure CSS
"The calc-size() function does solve our transitioning problems with intrinsic sizes (including height: auto;), but it still feels like a hack unless you're trying to do an actual calculation. That's precisely why we got the interpolate-size property, which lets you choose the interpolation behavior and decide for yourself if you want the browser to interpolate intrinsic sizes."
- European Accessibility Act requires culture to shift! - Bogdan on Digital Accessibility (A11y)
"EAA specifies Design for All and Design for All is pretty much talking about a culture shift in organizations with - yes, you've guessed - Design for All in the center."
- Green accessibility for web developers - University of Minnesota - Kaltura MediaSpace
"Accessibility and "greening the web" can both have incredibly positive impacts for people accessing information and services online"
- The Dying Web | Matthias Endler
"There was a time when I tried to educate people on the negative effects of browser monoculture. Okay, my mum didn't get it, but I was more disappointed by my fellow devs. Everyone took the easy route and happily stayed on Uncle Google's lap."
- Japanese web design: weird, but it works. Here's why - YouTube
"Japanese website design looks weird. But, they work just as well as other websites around the world. Why is that? I mean, they're information dense, cluttered, and some would even think they were teleported to the 1900s. Turns out, beneath the overwhelming user interface lies undeniable psychology."
- Button Stealer | Anatoly Zenkov
"Button Stealer works locally and doesn't send data anywhere, so your data remains private."