Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/12/2024
- Now in Baseline: animating entry effects | Blog | web.dev
"The @starting-style rule defines the initial styles on an element before it's rendered on the page. This is required for elements that animate in from display: none, as they need a state from which to animate in."
- Tabs, Used Right
"Tabs are everywhere, but do you use them properly? Distinguish between types of tabs, design them for visual clarity, and structure their content for usability."
- The abbr element: HeydonWorks
"Most screen readers, especially in default configurations, do not acknowledge the title attribute. The contents of the title attribute will not be announced in screen readers; screen reader users will not find out what HTML means. So you better hope they know already."
- CSS Chronicles XLII | CSS-Tricks
"This little flurry of activity led to a phone call. And a few more. And now I'm back to help get the ol' CSS-Tricks engine purring, hopefully making it the rich resource we've loved for so long. I'm on contract at the moment and feeling things out."
- Here's How Curiosity's Sky Crane Changed the Way NASA Explores Mars - NASA
"there were only a few locations on Mars where engineers felt confident the spacecraft wouldn't encounter a landscape feature that could puncture the airbags or send the bundle rolling uncontrollably downhill."
- Design patterns and WCAG - TetraLogical
"design patterns are not rules or regulations. Good design patterns can be built upon or modified to meet the changing needs of people and technologies. Design patterns should therefore be treated as best practice guidelines for resolving current problems rather than immovable decrees."
- When it comes to digital accessibility lawsuits, the best defense is a good offense | Deque
"When you examine these lawsuits, it's very clear that there's a kind of "cut and paste" approach being used, with the goal being to file as many lawsuits as possible in hopes of securing quick financial settlements."