Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/07/2024
- Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size -- Smashing Magazine
"If the differences between interactive elements that are inline and block are still confusing, that's probably because the whole situation is even further muddied by third-party human interface guidelines requiring interactive sizes closer to what the level AAA Success Criterion 2.5.5 Target Size (Enhanced) demands."
- SVG triangle of compromise (resolved)
"The original title was "SVG triangle of compromise", because I didn't know about the <use> tag which hits the sweet spot of stylable, cacheable, and dimensional."
- It's Time To Talk About "CSS5" -- Smashing Magazine
"Before we formally "meet" the CSS-Next group, it's worth knowing that it is still officially referred to as the CSS4 Community Group as far as the W3C is concerned."
- Talk notes: Let's make a simpler, more accessible web | Christian Heilmann
"The interesting thing about recent innovations on the web platform is that they are all about giving up control and moving away from pixel perfect layouts. Instead, CSS especially is embracing the concept of the web being an international platform and development not only happening on a page, but also on a component level."
- Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop) - The GitHub Blog
"One of the final big challenges we faced was operating drag-and-drop using voice control assistive technology. We found that using voice control to drag-and-drop items in a non-scrollable list was straightforward, but when the list became scrollable it was nearly impossible to move an item from the top of the list to the bottom."
- The anchor element: HeydonWorks
"Web developers and content editors, the world over, make the mistake of not making text that describes a link actually go inside that link. This is collosally unfortunate, given it's the main thing to get right when writing hypertext."
- LukeW | Distraction Control for the Web
"with iOS 18, Apple is giving average folks a chance to fight back with Distraction Control. When turned on, this new feature allows anyone to remove distracting elements on Web pages complete with a satisfying animation."