Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/06/2024
- Accessible PDF Forms Online - There's a Catch - TPGi
"Having said that, my primary recommendation is still that, if at all possible, avoid using PDFs online - especially forms."
- Script Integrity - Frontend Masters Boost
"There is a web platform feature that can help against a third party changing the code they are providing. It's the integrity attribute on <script> or <link> elements (which are rel="stylesheet", rel="preload", or rel="modulepreload"). It's called "Subresource Integrity", to name it correctly."
- BEM Modifiers in Pure CSS Nesting | Vladyslav Zubko
"this small trick using attribute selectors together with substring matching selectors in native CSS nesting for BEM modifiers &[class*="--modifier"] has finally fulfilled all my wishes that I had when using SCSS and other preprocessors."
- slash pages
"Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb."
- Web Performance Guide | SpeedCurve
"Here's everything you need to know to master website monitoring, analytics, and diagnostics. Learn how to deliver a fast, joyous experience to all your users."
- Design GUI
"The Browser Extension for managing colors in CSS Variables"