Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/03/2024
- Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)
"This document, "Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)" describes how the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) versions 2.0 [WCAG20], 2.1 [WCAG21], and 2.2 [WCAG22] principles, guidelines, and success criteria can be applied to non-web Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), specifically to non-web documents and software. It provides informative guidance"
- How to use container queries now | Blog | web.dev
"If you're able to work within the constraints of a mobile-first, breakpoint-based approach (which most developers currently do), then implementing a container-based fallback for that approach is significantly easier than implementing full support for every single container query feature."
- Why is it so difficult to give best in class accessibility examples of websites? - Bogdan on Digital Accessibility (A11y)
"Accessibility is subjective, and our guidelines (like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and standards (like EN 301 549) can't incorporate this subjectivity perfectly. It's quite difficult and often impossible to have objective and subjective guidelines at the same time."
- Every website and web app should have a service worker | Go Make Things
"Unlike regular JavaScript files, service workers do not have access to the DOM. They also run on their own thread, and as a result don't block other JavaScript from running. Service workers are designed to be fully asynchronous."
- An Open Letter to the United Nations
"over the past few years we have noticed a willingness to address issues on the Internet and Web by attempting to insert a hierarchical model of governance over technical matters. Such proposals concern us because they represent an erosion of the basic architecture."
- Overlays Misunderstand Accessibility - Joe Dolson Web Accessibility
"Accessibility overlays are a peculiar approach to accessibility problems. They make many assumptions that demonstrate a failure to understand assistive technology and human needs. As a concept, overlays are fundamentally flawed, because they are used by a website, not a human being."
- Highlighting journalism on Mastodon - Mastodon Blog
"We've decided to create a new kind of OpenGraph tag--the same kind of tags you have on your website to determine which thumbnail image will appear on the preview for the page when shared on Discord, iMessage, or Mastodon. It looks like this: <meta name="fediverse:creator" content="@Gargron@mastodon.social" />."