Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/01/2024
- Transitioning To Auto Height | CSS-Tricks
"The current Chrome implementation uses CSS calc() to do the heavy lifting. It recognizes the auto keyword and, true to its name, calculates that number. In other words, we can do this instead of the fixed-height approach"
- Release Guide: CO2.js v0.16 - Green Web Foundation
"CO2.js v0.16 adds the Sustainable Web Design Model version 4 update to the library. This is the most significant update to the Sustainable Web Design Model in years, and allows developers to estimate digital emissions with a model based on updated peer-reviewed research."
- Free idea: design token ugly mode - Eric Bailey
"The problem is, this only works when you've ensured that one hundred percent of your UI is hooked up to your design tokens. And as we all know: in tech the older and crustier something is, the less incentive there is to modernize it."
- A Proposal for MDN to use the APG - Lola's Lab
"These two resources are part of many developers' workflow, but not always the same developer. I'm proposing that MDN and APG merge in some capacity."
- Learn Grid Now, Container Queries Can Wait | OddBird
"By default, CanIUse will show you % of all users, which is a very misleading number. Since nearly 3% of browsers are untracked, those support numbers will never go over 97% for new features. I recommend opening the CanIUse default display settings, and selecting All tracked users."
- Can Title II Local Government Accessibility Be Efficient?
"The technical standard of WCAG 2.1 Level AA is impossible to meet at scale. As proof, we can look no further than the federal government, which has consistently failed to meet this standard"