Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/28/2024
- CSS WG Blog - OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG Meeting 2024-05-23
"Achieving the full vision may require HTML work, but there was agreement that the opt-in should be in CSS."
- No more pixel rounding issues!
"It will make sure the width of your element is always an integer! No more decimal and rounding issues!"
- A little DevTools snippet to check broken links on a webpage -- Amit Merchant -- A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
"this JavaScript code snippet selects all anchor (<a>) elements in the document that have a non-empty href attribute, logs information about each of these elements to the console, and then sends a network request to each of the URLs specified in the href attributes."
- Here's What We Learned From the First State of HTML Survey - Frontend Masters Boost
"About 22% of survey respondents used Next.js for example, and when asked how they allocated their time between writing HTML/CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript code, 59% said they spent more than half their time writing JavaScript - even though the survey was clearly aimed at people interested in HTML."
- Masonry and reading order - Rachel Andrew
"There's a proposal however that aims to deal with this, that would let developers indicate to the browser that they want to follow the "visual" flow of items rather than source order. This is currently named reading-order-items, and I recently added a draft of the proposal to the CSS Display Level 4 editor's draft."
- Old Dogs, new CSS Tricks | Max Böck
"The BEM methodology was born in an effort to side-step the cascade. While we now have better scoping and style encapsulation methods, the basic idea is still quite useful - if only as a way to structure CSS in our minds."