Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/04/2024
- What AI Can Do For (and To) Existing Web Accessibility Tools - TPGi
"The focus of this article is to explore the role of AI in enhancing web accessibility. Inevitably, this will involve a certain amount of discussion of potentialities - what AI could do - but I especially want to look at the here and now - what AI can do."
- Robin Rendle -- How to Kill the Cascade
"We've always needed local resets. And now, with the magic of @scope and all: revert-layer;, we finally have them."
- Opera One Developer becomes the first browser with built-in local LLMs - ready for you to test - Blog | Opera News
"Using Local Large Language Models means users' data is kept locally, on their device, allowing them to use AI without the need to send information to a server."
- Fluid typography with discrete steps
"Use the round() function and create a fluid typography with a discrete function instead of a continuous one."
- An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries
"In this interactive guide to container queries, I will explain the problems they solve, how they work, and how we can use them today in our workflows."
- Breakouts Day 2024 Recap | 2024 | Blog | W3C
"Raise awareness of the challenges of site navigation, and a potential simple, semantic, standardized solution."