Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/29/2024
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 191 | WebKit
"Added support for ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription element reflection properties."
- Apple's one weird trick to stop you changing your default browser - Open Web Advocacy
"In an astonishingly brazen dark pattern Apple engineers added code to the Safari's settings page to hide the option to change the default browser if Safari was the default but then to prominently show it if another browser was the default."
- In-App Browsers: The worst erosion of user choice you haven't heard of - Open Web Advocacy
"Mandating that apps respect browser choice isn't just a matter of convenience; it's about empowering both consumers and companies to thrive in a more open, stable, feature rich, secure and private digital ecosystem."
- 40 years of the Mac at the Computer History Museum
"Earlier this year, the original Macintosh celebrated its 40th birthday. The Computer History Museum hosted a small pop-up exhibit and a live event celebrating the occasion."
- Can you feel the rhythm‽ · 2024年3月13日
"CSS let's us authors be lazy and care less. Offering baked in, contextual, and adaptive directionalities via inline and block."
- Go ahead and block AI web crawlers // Cory Dransfeldt
"AI companies are crawling the open web to, ostensibly, improve the quality of their models and products. This process is extractive and accrues the benefit to said companies, not the owners of sites both small and large."