Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/25/2024
- Developers Are in Open Revolt Over Apple's New App Store Rules | WIRED
"App developers don't have much power on their own to make Apple change course. But they hope their criticism will force the European Commission, a branch of the EU's government, to take action."
- Is it time for moon laws? 1st private lunar landing emphasizes the need for new policy | Space
""We've always seen the moon untouched and unblemished." So, to keep it that way, it may be time to consider the ethics of lunar exploration -- and consider how we can turn those ethics into actionable laws."
- The New CSS Math: pow(), sqrt(), and exponential friends
"CSS added many new Math functions to supplement the old favorites (such as calc()). They all ultimately represent a numeric value, but the nuance in how they work is not always clear from the start."
- With the rise of AI, web crawlers are suddenly controversial - The Verge
"For decades, robots.txt governed the behavior of web crawlers. But as unscrupulous AI companies seek out more and more data, the basic social contract of the web is falling apart."
- What's Wrong With this Picture? [Quiz] - TPGi
"The use of images of text has, I would suggest, become less of an issue over time as the power of CSS to style and position text elements has gained ever more power. But it's still something that we run into from time-to-time."
- Axess Lab | Inaccessible Marketing Emails Suck!
"I hate to see how many marketing emails that go to waste and frankly, suck! It really has irritated me throughout the years"