Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/23/2024
- Using recursive CSS to change styles based on depth • Vyckes
"The reason is simple. It is a language limitation. More specifically, a limitation in CSS. You cannot have self-referencing custom properties in CSS."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Design Patterns that Encourage Junk Data
"The question is, how do we design our products and services so that it's easier and more convenient for users to delete junk data, or even better, to avoid creating it in the first place?"
- My Design System Journey: Building The Plane While Flying | by Anas M. ElGendy | Feb, 2024 | Bootcamp
"Beyond the design and consistency aspects, there were organizational dynamics and collaboration challenges to navigate, not to mention the detailed work involved in crafting a comprehensive Figma file."
- Why do reflows negatively affect performance? - Frontend Masters Boost
"Reflows demand substantial CPU resources to run computations and update the render tree. This process reduces overall speed and user experience."
- Filling gaps with a polyfill - The History of the Web
"In the early 2000s, Web 2.0 prompted new web standards, HTML5 and CSS3. Developers used 'shims' and 'polyfills' for browser compatibility, fostering innovation."
- WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey #10 Results
"The results of WebAIM's 10th Screen Reader User Survey are now available. This survey was conducted in December 2023 and January 2024 and had 1539 respondents."