Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/17/2024
- Apple broke web apps in iOS 17 beta and hasn't fixed them • The Register
"Apple has argued for years that developers who don't want to abide by its rules for native iOS apps can always write web apps."
- ARIA `note` -- Adrian Roselli
"Depending on your goal with using the note role, you may find it is not exposed to screen readers the way you want. If you are using it as intended, that may not be an issue."
- Australia's Digital Service Standard gets an upgrade - Intopia
"With the Standard now removing reference to the version of WCAG, agencies must apply the latest version. This future-proofs the Standard for new versions of WCAG, which is a positive and something that was difficult in version 1.0."
- Deque Systems Sues BrowserStack for Intellectual Property Theft | Deque
"Deque Systems Inc., the leading provider of web and mobile accessibility solutions, filed a federal lawsuit yesterday against BrowserStack, Inc. and its affiliate companies for copyright infringement, breach of contract and false advertising."
- Apple on course to break all Web Apps in EU within 20 days - Open Web Advocacy
"If Apple truly believed that the Web and Web Apps were no threat to their App Store, why not appease the regulators by letting them compete fairly on their mobile ecosystem."
- Sustainability, a surprisingly successful KPI: GreenOps survey results - ClimateAction.Tech
"Analysis of responses revealed interesting trends, with the majority of IT professionals now prioritising sustainability, often over cost, demonstrating a significant shift towards environmental responsibility."