Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/05/2024
- A highly configurable switch component using modern CSS techniques - Piccalilli
"While we wait for native switch support, I thought I would build a highly configurable switch component using :has(), container queries, Logical Properties and Custom Properties for fun and to show you how much goes into a truly flexible component."
- What has a ceiling but no floor? • Buttondown
"Mostly, what happens when you don't set a floor for accessibility, nobody does accessibility work. And that's a problem for any platform that wants to grow, much less expand into spaces like education."
- The Good, The Bad, The Web Components--zachleat.com
"Shadow DOM is the next level of our web components evolution. It solves the developer experience problem with repetition in authoring markup at the expense of clientside rendering"
- A look at the new WAI-ARIA 1.3 draft - craigabbott.co.uk
"The draft is tech heavy, and W3C have not published a 'what's new in WAI-ARIA 1.3' summary. Or, if they have, I have not been able to find it."
- Designing Accessible Color Palettes in Figma: A Guide for Web Accessibility - Knowbility
"Testing Contrast Ratios: Use a built-in Figma plugin like the Stark Contrast Checker or WebAIM's Color Contrast Checker to evaluate the contrast ratios between text and background colors."
- Why we endorsed the US AI Environmental Impacts Act - Green Web Foundation
"Even if there weren't all kinds of justice implications with wider adoption of AI in society, the rapid adoption of technology like AI would, if mismanaged, make a transition from fossil fuels much slower and less equitable."