Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/01/2024
- An introduction to Web Components -- Amit Merchant -- A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
"what if you want to build your own date picker component? What if you want to build a component that is completely custom and unique to your application that can be reused across your application(s), sort of portable and pluggable? Well, that's exactly where you can use Web Components."
- Mind the accessibility gaps - most of accessibility issues originate in design and how to fix that - Bogdan on Digital Accessibility (A11y)
"If we know what is possible with building blocks of the platform - starting with HTML (and also what isn't) we can make our website more accessible from the start."
- Basic accessibility mistakes I often see in audits | Go Make Things
"Today, I wanted to share eight of the most common accessibility issues I see when I run these audits."
- Web Developers React to Apple's DMA Compliance Proposal - Open Web Advocacy
"VoiceOver works well with Safari and reasonably well with Firefox and Chrome, but whether that will continue when those browsers use their own engines is unknown at this stage."
- Accessible notifications with ARIA Live Regions (Part 1) - Sara Soueidan, inclusive design engineer
"in order to understand why live regions are important, we must first understand how a screen reader parses web content and presents it to the user."
- Accessible notifications with ARIA Live Regions (Part 2) - Sara Soueidan, inclusive design engineer
"Live regions don't handle rich text. This means that the semantics of elements like headings, lists, links, buttons, and other structural or interactive elements are not conveyed when the contents of a live region are announced."