Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/27/2024
- Overlays and Ethics: a conference panel that hurt my heart - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"At least while this litigation is active is it really appropriate or ethical to have a FACIL'iti leader on a global overlay panel? Especially with no one to talk about the chilling nature of these suits on digital accessibility advocates that can't risk being on the wrong end of a suit? I don't think so."
- Bringing Back Horizontal Rules in Select Elements | WebKit
"Originally it was added by Adele Peterson at Apple in 2006 to support a common UI paradigm on the web: separators between select box options. We discovered this while doing some maintenance work on the HTML parser and agreed this was still a desirable feature. We also re-discovered that in 2018 a feature request was opened against the HTML Standard for this exact feature."
- One World, One Web, One Love :: Aaron Gustafson
"Molly recognized the power of the web--and the Open Web in particular--to connect people and communities for the betterment of all humans. Sure, she saw the downsides too and would grumble about them quite often, but she was a firm believer that the web was a net positive for the world."
- Refactoring UI
"Learn how to design beautiful user interfaces by yourself using specific tactics explained from a developer's point-of-view."
- 050: A Long Overdue Discussion on Accessibility Overlays, Paperback Capiche? - Accessibility Craft
"In this episode, we discuss accessibility overlays, what place, if any, they have in the accessibility market, and our thoughts on recent industry shake-ups with the acquisition of UserWay and accessibility overlay by Level Access, a service-focused accessibility firm."
- Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union - Apple
"New frameworks and APIs for alternative browser engines -- enabling developers to use browser engines, other than WebKit, for browser apps and apps with in-app browsing experiences."
- CSS Relative colors - iO tech_hub
"Before the relative color syntax you had to rely on CSS variables or even worse: JavaScript to modify the parameters of a color. Using the from keyword the browser can convert the originating color to different color spaces and change the color properties."
- How to turn off password managers for fields | Stefan Judis Web Development
"Ignoring autocomplete="off" seems to be a conscious security decision, because people using an automated password flow are still better off than the ones that don't. What we webmasters want is irrelevant."