Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/04/2024
- Tyler's CSS Wish List for 2024 - Cloud Four
"display: contents is more accessible than it was a year ago, but Adrian Roselli continues to highlight room for improvement. Less important today thanks to subgrid, but I'd still really like to see this saga resolved."
- #AudioEye Has Dropped Its Suit Against Me -- Adrian Roselli
"It is absolutely terrible for others in the same -- no, worse -- situation. I got a bunch of support. But I believe it was at the expense of other people, and one person in particular comes to mind. Independent practitioner Julie Moynat is still in litigation with FACIL'iti since 2021."
- Rosy Retrospection - The History of the Web
"So our great question is how we can embrace this tension, and evolve the web to be universal and accessible, and also inclusive, diverse, and varied."
- Dark Visitors - A list of known AI agents on the internet
"Insight into the hidden ecosystem of autonomous chatbots and data scrapers crawling across the web. Protect your website from unwanted AI agent access."
- Level Access crosses the line; buys accessibility overlay company · Eric Eggert
"While cost certainly plays a role, a widget which at best does little and at worst provides barriers is not "cost-effective". Quite the opposite. I understand that a company that throws around 99 Million Dollars for an overlay company finds it difficult to do small-scale accessibility."
- Oh shit banners - Eric Bailey
"Government services and private industry are both contenders for adopting this pattern. In addition, having this pattern proactively established can help in a time of crisis, the same way having a defibrillator on-hand at the office can."