Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/03/2024
- Shadow DOM is for hiding your shame
"Shadow DOM is the tool for the job--it lets our light DOM retain the ideal, perfect structure while keeping the messy bits out of sight and out of mind in the shadow DOM."
- Sizes="auto" pretty much requires width and height attributes -- ericportis.com
"300×150 was chosen because that's what <video> and <canvas> do; all of these elements use this smallish-but-non-zero default size in order to encourage you to do better."
- Building Components For Consumption, Not Complexity (Part 1) -- Smashing Magazine
"Design systems are on the tip of every designer's tongue, but the narrative in the industry mainly focuses on why you need a design system and its importance rather than the reality of endless maintenance and internal politics. The truth is that design teams spend years creating these systems only to find out that few people adhere to the guidelines or stay within the "guardrails.""
- Making data visualizations accessible - TPGi
""Charts" present information in visual form as graphs, diagrams, maps, or tables. "Graphs" are a specific type of chart, typically showing data points over time. All graphs are charts, but not all charts are graphs."
- Boosting testing efficiency: how semantic HTML transforms End-to-End testing - HTMHell
"Testing tools are getting more and more better at identifing targets, but the algorithms are not bulletproof and can't react to page structure changes with 100% reliability."
- Container Style Queries | 12 Days of Web
"Before container queries, you could only query the size of the viewport. That worked well and still does, allowing you to create responsive websites, but it's really just a compromise because, in most cases, we're interested in the size of our parent container, not the size of the viewport."
- In 2024, please switch to Firefox - Roy Tanck
"Currenty, Chrome, Safari and Edge all use variations of the closely related Webkit and Blink engines. If we want to avoid another browser engine monopoly, we need to support Firefox, and its "Gecko" engine."