Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/27/2023
- Accessibility training will not save you
"Accessibility is not yet taken seriously as a technical specialization / Accessibility as a compliance exercise instead of an ongoing practice / Web developers don't know HTML anymore"
- Media Queries in HTML Video -- Adrian Roselli
"The poster is on the <video> element, while media is on all its child <source> elements. That means the same poster image will display for all users."
- The nature of digital is environmentally destructive - Gerry McGovern
"Think. Please think for a moment. What if our digital lifestyles are accelerating overconsumption? We don't need to change our technology. We need to change our attitudes."
- An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components--zachleat.com
"A very important takeaway here is that creating an HTML Web Component doesn't require a hard stance of Light or Shadow DOM in your implementation (though Shadow DOM still has dragons)."
- The State of UX in 2024
"This is the 9th edition of The State of UX report by the UX Collective: a critical look at our industry based on more than 1k articles published and shared with our 500k+ subscribers in 2023."
- Width and Height in CSS - Jim Nielsen's Blog
"The key insight here is: height: 100% means "as tall as all the things inside of me", not "as tall as all the things I am inside of"."
- Invokers (Explainer) | Open UI
"Section titled Introduction Adding invoketarget and invokeaction attributes to <button> and <input type="button"> / <input type="reset"> elements would allow authors to assign behaviour to buttons in a more accessible and declarative way, while reducing bugs and simplifying the amount of JavaScript pages are required to ship for interactivity."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : Formstack, autocomplete and accessibility
"Edge (which is based on Chromium) is packed full of heuristics which even employ machine learning to try to match the previously-supplied user data with the fields."