Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/22/2023
- How to test 3.3.7 Redundant Entry - TPGi
"Browser autocomplete doesn't count as a means of avoiding redundant entry. The user might have their name and address saved in their browser, for example, but the availability of that is not sufficient to pass this SC. It's the site itself that needs to provide the functionality."
- Keyboard accessibility myths and WCAG - TetraLogical
"Supporting keyboard interaction is a key aspect of web accessibility. However, WCAG itself doesn't require that each and every interactive control is keyboard accessible."
- How to use Chrome's accessibility tree - Pope Tech Blog
"Chrome's accessibility tree can help developers debug issues and quickly check custom widgets for accessibility."
- Back to Basics: 5 HTML attributes for improved accessibility and user experience - HTMHell
"Using the reversed attribute keeps the order of visual and semantic list items the same, but they are numbered from highest to lowest. This means adding this attribute to your ordered list (<ol>) will not reverse the list items but only the list numbers."
- ChatGPT is not ready to handle web accessibility remediation - Karl Groves
"It should be no wonder, therefore, that generative AI is poor at providing guidance on topics, like accessibility remediation, where there's a fair amount of subjectivity."
- Navigating Web Accessibility Law in 2024 | UsableNet, Inc.
"Increasingly, lawsuits cite companies that have installed "accessibility widgets" or overlays."
- The Hellish History of HTML: An incomplete and personal account - HTMHell
"In a little more than 30 years, the Web has gone from being a Wild Frontier to becoming an essential utility humanity relies on to communicate, and HTML will always be the core of the Web."
- Inside the all-new Edge DevTools user interface - Microsoft Edge Blog
"With Microsoft Edge 120, the last piece of the redesign -- the Activity Bar -- is now generally available to all users."