Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/21/2023
- Saying goodbye to third-party cookies in 2024 | MDN Blog
"Google's seemingly-slow response is a result of its vested interest in the business uses of third-party cookies, which includes advertising by a wide range of different organizations, including Google, as well as third-party authentication services and many other uses besides."
- Can AI help boost accessibility? These researchers tested it for themselves | UW News
"Though researchers found cases in which the tools were helpful, they also found significant problems with AI tools in most use cases, whether they were generating images, writing Slack messages, summarizing writing or trying to improve the accessibility of documents."
- Introducing the Website Carbon Rating System
"An average website with 10,000 monthly page views emits about 31.5 kg CO2e (29 kg with green hosting) over a year. In contrast, a top-rated A+ website emits only 3.5 kg (3.2 kg with renewable hosting), reducing emissions by a staggering 89%."
- You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell
"In contrast to JS, which is imperative, HTML and CSS are declarative. You tell the browser what to do, not how to do it. That means the browser gets to choose how to do it, and it can do it in the most efficient way possible."
- HTML: The Bad Parts - HTMHell
"In closing, I just want to reiterate that accessibility is not as simple as "just use HTML". Even with best intentions and pristine HTML source, we may end up with inaccessible UIs if we don't do our due diligence."
- CSS Wrapped: 2023! | Blog | Chrome for Developers
"From #Interop2023 to many new landings in the CSS and UI space that enable capabilities developers once thought impossible on the web platform. Now, every modern browser supports container queries, subgrid, the :has() selector, and a whole plethora of new color spaces and functions."
- 2023 Design Tools Survey - Introduction | UX Tools
"Design has entered a new era, and so has the Design Tools Survey. We take a first look at how tools are evolving with the use of AI, which we'll continue to watch year over year."