Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/19/2023
- Browsing the Eastern Side of the Personal Web
"Something that shouldn't really surprise me (but it did) is how normal the Japanese side of the web is. Honestly, I'd say it's more normal than what we have here in the West."
- It Is Time For Us To Fight To Fix The Cookie Notice User Experience
"It is essential to remember why that law was created in the first place. Unless your website gathers user data or uses targeted adverts, regulators aren't particularly interested in you. They are primarily after the ad networks."
- How we reduced CSS size and improved performance across GOV.UK - Government Digital Service
"The asset helper is used to create a list of stylesheets required for rendering a page, it includes helper methods to add required stylesheets to the list and the `render_component_stylesheets` method to output the list of stylesheets as stylesheet link tags in the <head> of the document."
- The Ghosts of Markup Past - HTMHell
"As a language, HTML really isn't done as languages rarely finalize. However, it's been stagnating for some time. Looking at the new things landing in the last year or two, clearly, this is no longer the case, and it is nearly certain we will see many new markup elements this decade."
- The WordPress Showcase & Accessibility - Joe Dolson Web Accessibility
"This may shock you, but there are no accessibility criteria for selection. I know - I just shook your world."
- Baseline Does Not Really Cover Baseline Support -- Adrian Roselli
"For me (and my clients), the base level of support (I had to phrase it that way to avoid confusion) of anything we implement must include accessibility considerations. This is often for legal compliance, but also to meet contract requirements."
- Template for accessibility guidelines - HTMHell
"This template is opinionated and intended as a starting point for those who want to define how accessibility is dealt with in their company. It does not matter whether your title is developer, designer, project manager or something else."
- The road to HTMHell is paved with semantics - HTMHell
"Unlike many other languages, HTML is a user-facing one. It means that our decisions directly affect users."