Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/11/2023
- How to test 3.2.6 Consistent Help - TPGi
"since the normative requirements explicitly define a help mechanism in terms of contact, it must be inferred that all points of human contact constitute a help mechanism, even if the site owner didn't intend them to be a channel for getting help."
- How long until your website is accessible? - Karl Groves
"The reason why overlays are so popular is because customers don't want a list of problems, they want solutions. We need to change the paradigm to one where we're delivering solutions."
- CSS { In Real Life } | (Don't) Mind the Gap
"The thing is, gap is pretty clever. Even though flexbox layouts are technically one dimensional (we can only control the row or column axis, not both), gap works across both axes. If we opt instead to use gap instead of margins of padding, we only get space between the items."
- Is the Internet really broken? - Elizabeth Tai
"Still, as much as I agree with The Verge's conclusions, I feel that pointing fingers is useless. The bigger question is, How do we fix the Internet for the ordinary person?"
- Creating Accessible UI Animations -- Smashing Magazine
"Animation is not the same as motion. While all moving elements are animations, not every animated element necessarily involves a motion as far as a change in position."
- CSS nesting relaxed syntax update - Chrome for Developers
"There was a decent amount of doubt that the CSS parser could be taught to differentiate between a tag name (div) and a property name (visibility) as the parser currently has no concept of looking ahead."
- Why is node_modules heavier than the universe? (No seriously, why is it so big?) - DEV Community
"Dependencies in languages such as Golang are source code + binaries, while dependencies in JS are JS files + CSS Assets + HTML assets and stuffs. And the size of a JS file is usually larger than a binary executable, and thus a typical JS dependency is usually larger than its correspondents."