Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/08/2023
- Addressing Accessibility Concerns With Using Fluid Type -- Smashing Magazine
"The CSS clamp() function is often paired with viewport units for "fluid" font sizing that scales the text up and down at different viewport sizes. As common as this technique is, several voices warn that it opens up situations where text can fail WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.4, which specifies that text should scale up to at least 200% when the user's browser reaches its 500% maximum zoom level."
- Inclusivity in the Digital Age: The Importance of Accessibility Advocacy :: UXmatters
"Within today's digital landscape, it is essential that the role of the accessibility advocate does not go unnoticed."
- Using CSS content-visibility to boost your rendering performance - LogRocket Blog
"The content-visibility property enables the browser to skip an element's layout and painting until it is needed, which makes the initial page load faster. Because the browser does not have to re-render the DOM or page layout as often, this can result in performance benefits over the entire lifecycle of a page or web app."
- How to Be an Accessibility Ally - Meryl.net home
"Accepting that you will make mistakes is only part of the equation. The other part is to use mistakes as a learning opportunity."
- Amendment to the Public Sector Accessibility Regulations - TetraLogical
"The most significant change is to Regulation 9, which used to cite EN 301 549 as the accessibility standard websites and apps were required to meet. Regulation 9 now references the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) directly."
- Why is Accessibility Training Important? - TPGi
"In this post, we'll discuss the essential elements of a quality accessibility training program, the benefits of doing it well, and how your company can get started."
- Chromium Blog: How Core Web Vitals saved users 10,000 years of waiting for web pages to load
"So far in 2023, this project saved users over 10,000 years of waiting for web pages to load and over 1,200 years of waiting for web pages to respond to user input. And the web continues to get faster."