Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/20/2023
- Serial over Bluetooth on the web - Chrome for Developers
"Now, the Web Serial API supports communicating with RFCOMM services on paired Bluetooth Classic devices including the Serial Port Profile (SPP) in Chrome 117 on desktop."
- Adactio: Journal--Increment by increment
"That's one of the reasons why I have no patience for the web3 crowd. Apart from the ridiculous name, they're focusing on exactly the wrong part of the stack."
- The Post-Media-Query-World of Intrinsic Web Design | That HTML Blog
"Intrinsic web design is a concept which essentially represents an evolution from responsive web design, and what it means is that you're creating layouts and setting up responsiveness based on layout rules which apply based on the presentation of the content itself, rather than on total size of the browser."
- Style Scoped - Chris Coyier
"to scope styles to some particular DOM element, even "light DOM" as it were, you can just wank in a <style> block and style from that part downwards, even limiting the lower scope. No naming, no libraries, no processing."
- Burn your toast | Erik Kroes - Accessibility Consultant
"Toasts are often at the end of the DOM (the code that makes up the page). This makes it extra hard for people with screen readers to notice them, let alone navigate to them."
- WCAG 2 and Internationalization - Inclusive Publishing
"The Internationalization Working Group and Accessibility Guidelines Working Group WCAG 2.2 taskforce will continue working together to write potential errata and update informative documents such as the Understanding documents"