Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/17/2023
- Pagination widows, or, Why I'm embarrassed about my ebook | Clagnut by Richard Rutter
"Paged media is very much a forgotten aspect, and it's probably true that web pages are rarely printed in the grand scheme of things, however ebooks are definitely a popular form of paged media and deserve attention."
- Introducing Space OS - October 10, 2023 - Space Blog
"Space OS is designed to make computing on the internet more personal, powerful, and fun. To contextualize why this is so exciting, let's jump back to Deta's origins."
- We need web progress, not pessimism
"Tools, frameworks, and conventions will always change, and these changes will require us to be both cautious and open-minded. The heroes of the web are those who unite to forge the standards and features that we so clearly need."
- You can't get faster than No Build
"the state of the art is no longer finding more sophisticated ways to build JavaScript or CSS. It's not to build at all. To lean on HTTP/2 and the now universal support for import maps to avoid bundling, and to lean on the fundamental progress in support for modern JavaScript and CSS to avoid compiling what browsers already know how to read."
- WCAG 2.2 and validation - Seirdy
"WCAG's normative text describes outcomes, not how to achieve them. Validation is but one part of the process of achieving the necessary outcomes."