Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/11/2023
- Introduction to web sustainability | MDN Blog
"Reducing carbon emissions caused by the products we build is an obvious place to start, while also continuing to think holistically and bearing in mind other aspects of digital sustainability."
- What can you do with data attributes? | Go Make Things
"Data attributes are a way to add data in HTML that you can access with JavaScript."
- Adactio: Journal--Making the Patterns Day website
"give me guardrails, give me constraints, give me boundary conditions, and off I go!"
- Demystifying WCAG 2.2 | Viget
"Reading the WCAG documents can be a bit overwhelming, so we've distilled them down to make it easy to understand the updates and check whether your sites pass the newest standards."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Greenwashing and the COP28 Website
"It simply gives the user the impression that they (and the website owners) are considering the planet, without actually changing anything. A classic example of greenwashing."
- What's New in DevTools (Chrome 119) - Chrome for Developers
"You can now edit the @property CSS at-rule in the corresponding section in the Elements > Styles pane."