Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/26/2023
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : HTML popover, videos and display:blackhole
"The answer is that when a popover is dismissed, it is set to display:none. Whether the popover spec requires this, or whether that's just the way the engineers decided to implement it, is unclear to me."
- The Design System Ecosystem | Brad Frost
"There's a design system. Products use the design system. The design system informs and influences the products, and in turn the products inform and influence what's in the design system."
- The ROI of Accessibility in SEO - Moz
"18.9% is no number to turn your nose up at. For any sized business, 18.9% of additional revenue is life-changing money. This 18.9% is an incredibly important figure in understanding how many people you benefit by having an accessible website."
- Deciding for ourselves: 98% of people want a browser choice screen, Mozilla study finds
"we conducted in-depth research with 12,000 people in Germany, Spain and Poland to understand how choice screens influence their decisions, preferences and satisfaction levels. Here's what we learned"
- Understanding EN 301 549: The European Standard for Digital Accessibility - TPGi
"The aim of EN 301 549 was to set requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services to public entities in the European Union."
- Misconceptions can kill accessibility momentum · Eric Eggert
"It would be a better approach to define default keyboard behaviors in ARIA and let developers opt into browsers managing focus for that specific role and its children."
- What Are Accessibility Overlays? (Webbed Briefs)
"All accessibility overlays are bad. Except the ones by overlay vendors planning to sue me. Those ones are good and I highly recommend them, despite what I may say during the video. If someone is asking for an accessibility overlay, either send them here or to overlayfactsheet.com."