Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/18/2023
- The Perpetual Circle of Accessibility - DEV Community
"Every time someone ignores a suggestion, I get ill. Because that person doesn't care. Accessibility is a right, NOT a privilege."
- 18F: Digital service delivery | First, do no harm: mistakes to avoid in creating accessible user experiences
"When accessibility is implemented as a formality or symbolic gesture, it fails to properly address barriers and lacks meaningful impact. Tokenism prevents us from understanding the lived experiences of people with disabilities."
- marcus.io · Role-playing game
"The tragedy here is that for many, this "role conversion" is also already the final step."
- I think I kind of hate lazy loading - Terence Eden's Blog
"There's no way to disable Lazy Loading on Android Chrome or Android Firefox."
- Web Components Accessibility FAQ - Manuel Matuzović
"When I first learned about web components, I had a lot of questions, especially regarding accessibility. While I found answers to many of them, I didn't know everything I would've wanted to know. I wish I had a catalog of all the essential questions and answers when I started. That's why I decided to design this post in a Q&A format."
- 3 questions to evaluate design patterns and avoid unnecessary work that degrades UX - Adam Silver - designer, London, UK
"The purpose of design is to solve actual problems. Not made up "I'm bored so I'll come up with something new" problems."