Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/10/2023
- How prefetching helped Terra increase ads click-through rate by 30% and speed up Largest Contentful Paint.
"prefetching is a speculative performance improvement that consumes extra data, and that may not be a desirable outcome in every situation. To reduce the likelihood of wasting bandwidth, Terra uses the Network Information API along with the Device Memory API to determine whether to fetch the next article."
- Where to Put Focus When Deleting a Thing -- Adrian Roselli
"TL;DR: When deleting something you should generally move focus to the prior equivalent control or its grouping container."
- European Accessibility Act: Article 32, and why it sucks! - craigabbott.co.uk
"This sucks, because this means the 2025 deadline isn't really a hard deadline. We all know a lot of organisations will just keep using all their old crap and burying their heads for another 5 years!"
- Information Architecture vs. Sitemaps: What's the Difference?
"The IA is much more than just a sitemap. It's a very involved process of constantly making decisions about how your content is organized and maintained."
- Why Does Email Development Have to Suck?
"Emails aren't built like websites, so don't design them like such. Have simpler layouts and use a project like MJML that abstracts away all of the headache. You'd be better off."
- View Transitions Break Incremental Rendering -- ericportis.com
"The folks prototyping cross-document View Transitions in Chrome are solving this fundamental problem by building and extending features which delay the first paint until the page is ready to transition."
- What is the View Transitions API and how to use it with meta frameworks - Bejamas
"In this article, I'll explain what this API is and how it works. We will learn to create smooth and simple transitions between states and pages."