Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/09/2023
- Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React - Josh Collinsworth blog
"I think it's important to remember that React was created by Facebook, in order to solve Facebook's unique set of problems."
- Netscape Meteors - Eryn Rachel Wells
"a small journey the last couple days to find the original Netscape Navigator "meteors" animation. This one has a special place in my head and heart because it is so clearly connected to my memories of discovering the web as a kid."
- Scrolljacking 101
"Altering the normal pace or direction of scrolling can contradict user expectations, control, and freedom. If businesses adopt the pattern, they can minimize usability risks by weighing it against functional value, cognitive load, and user efficiency."
- The Legacy of Tailwind CSS | That HTML Blog
"There are far better practices available to us. Writing maintainable CSS doesn't require Tailwind. Arguably it never did! And now in the year 2023, that's more true than ever."
- Progressively Enhanced Form Validation, Part 1: HTML and CSS - Cloud Four
"In contrast to :invalid/:valid, using the :user-invalid/:user-valid pseudo-classes will apply the styles only after the user has interacted with the form control."