Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/26/2023
- Accessible Animated GIF Alternatives - Cloud Four
"1.Allow the viewer to control its playback 2.Provide a text alternative 3.Prevent motion where preferred"
- Designing for Accessibility: Creating Inclusive and User-Centric Products
"In a recent panel discussion organized by HTEC Group, renowned accessibility experts Léonie Watson and Rakesh Paladugula discuss the importance of designing for accessibility and the need for inclusive, user-centric products."
- Resources for a More Sustainable Marketing Stack | Mightybytes
"Use these 20 tools to create a more sustainable marketing stack that prioritizes people and the planet in your campaigns."
- O dialog focus, where art thou? - Manuel Matuzović
"There was a lot of discussion on how browsers should handle focus in modal dialogs. They finally concluded and summarized the rules in the spec earlier this year. If I read it right, Chrome is the only browser that follows most rules correctly at this point. Other browsers will likely follow soon."
- Understanding the WCAG 3 Working Draft Update - Wholly Accessible
"When we published the first public working draft, we received over 300 comments. Public feedback is an important part of the W3C process and the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG) took the comments we received seriously. We aggregated and organized the feedback and revised our approach to WCAG 3."
- Blockquotes in Screen Readers -- Adrian Roselli
"TL;DR: This post does not assert the correct way to code blockquotes, it will only demonstrate how screen readers announce some existing patterns."
- Introducing Carbon Control
"New in WebPageTest! Measure your site's carbon footprint and run No-Code Experiments to find ways to improve."
- Can We Query the Root Container? | OddBird
"With container-type: size on the root, we could replace most or all @media size queries with @container across our sites. I think we should!"