Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/09/2023
- WWDC 2023 Accessibility Goodies for Developers | Deque
"Assistive Access is a brand-new assistive technology for cognitive disabilities. This technology allows iPhone and iPad to only display features the user wants, which greatly reduces the cognitive load on the user."
- There's no such thing as a "normal" user - Karl Groves
"The vast array of operating systems, browsers, screen resolutions, assistive technologies, and disabilities makes it impossible to conform to a single standard. The only logical approach is to use Universal Design, which acknowledges the diversity of users and promotes inclusivity for all."
- AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born - The Verge
"The web is always dying, of course; it's been dying for years, killed by apps that divert traffic from websites or algorithms that reward supposedly shortening attention spans. But in 2023, it's dying again -- and, as the litany above suggests, there's a new catalyst at play: AI."
- Fit-to-Width Text
"I would like to see this implemented natively and not rely on an unintended usage of scroll-driven animations, even though the final code is relatively straightforward."
- Section 508 vs. ADA Compliance - TPGi
"The ADA and Section 508 are similar in that they both seek to create equal access for people with disabilities, and both have aspects that require electronic and IT products and services to be accessible."
- An Introduction to the View Transitions API -- SitePoint
"Developers of a certain age may be experiencing déjà vu. Microsoft added element and whole page transitions in Internet Explorer 4.0 (released in 1997) with further updates in IE5.5 (released in 2000)."
- the article element and screen readers - Manuel Matuzović
"Some screen readers don't announce articles and have no default quick nav shortcuts. Some don't announce them but treat them as landmarks. Others announce them as articles and treat them as landmarks. There's no difference whether you label them or not."