Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/27/2023
- A Guide to Coding Standards to Improve Code Quality - DEV Community
"Implementing coding standards such as these will help you in achieving code quality. This will also ensure consistency, readability, and maintainability of the codebase, making it easier for developers to collaborate and understand each other's code. This will minimize the occurrence of bugs and errors."
- Introducing the MDN Playground: Bring your code to life! | MDN Blog
"The MDN Playground is pretty much what you expect it to be - a simple way to preview HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For now it covers most of the basics; like basic autocomplete, formatting with the one and only prettier, and the option to share your amazing work"
- sizes=auto is a great idea - Chris Coyier
"what if the browser doesn't need to download the image right away, anyway? That's what happens with <img loading="lazy" ... />, which is certainly a best practice for doing images efficiently."
- Text Wrap Pretty is coming to CSS -- Amit Merchant -- A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
"As you can tell, the last line of the paragraph has a single word which is not ideal. This is where the pretty value comes in. It will try to break the text in such a way that there wouldn't be a single word hanging on the last line."
- Conf-essions of a Developer: The Biggest Takeaways from Config 2023 | Viget
"Perhaps the most impactful change to developers is the new dev mode. This is much more than a new view for developers to leverage, but rather changes the interface and enables a streamlined workflow for developers."
- Figma for VS Code - Visual Studio Marketplace
"Figma for VS Code lets you navigate and inspect design files, collaborate with designers, track changes, and speed up implementation - all without leaving your text editor. Improve developer productivity by eliminating the context switching and busy work needed to turn designs into code."