Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/17/2023
- Five accessibility bugs GitHub Copilot offers to create - Matthew Hallonbacka
"Copilot suggestions can include serious accessibility bugs"
- Are JavaScript libraries really that bad for performance? | Go Make Things
"Every layer of abstraction you add mores more work browsers, takes up more space in memory, and slows processing times down."
- Accessibility and AI: Insights from assistive technology users
"To better understand how people with disabilities are thinking about AI and their concerns for the future of AI, Fable surveyed our community of assistive technology users. This article outlines what we learned and makes recommendations for creating more inclusive AI tools."
- How to password protect a static HTML page with no JS - Terence Eden's Blog
"A WOFF2 webfont is a Brotli compressed file. If I've read the spec correctly (LOL!) removing a chunk of a small file should render the file too damaged to read."
- The most used languages on the internet - Rest of World
"Chinese and Hindi are the second and third most-spoken languages in the world, but the same scan found they account for just 1.4% and 0.07% of domains, respectively."
- iOS 17 automatically removes tracking parameters from links you click on - 9to5Mac
"Link Tracking Protection is a new feature automatically activated in Mail, Messages, and Safari in Private Browsing mode. It detects user-identifiable tracking parameters in link URLs, and automatically removes them."