Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/15/2023
- Scroll-driven Animations
"A bunch of demos and tools to show off Scroll-driven Animations"
- The problem with automatically focusing the first input and what to do instead - Adam Silver - designer, London, UK
"Good design puts users in control."
- APCA Contrast Calculator
"APCA reports lightness contrast as an Lc value from Lc 0 to Lc 106 for dark text on a light background, and Lc 0 to Lc -108 for light text on a dark background (dark mode). The minus sign merely indicates negative contrast, which means light text on a dark background."
- Making a positive change: PDF to HTML - Accessibility in government
"What is evident across all methods of analysis however is that larger file size = more data transferred = more CO2 emitted. This is particularly evident when PDFs use large amounts of visual content, such as decorative graphics and high-resolution images or diagrams."
- Design systems is a mindset not a library | by Ruben Ferreira Duarte | May, 2023 | UX Planet
"The way we look at the design (and development) process, more than the component design tasks. The perspective through which we are going to look at each problem and the fundamental principles that will guide everything that happens in each sprint, whatever the objective may be, this is the design systems mindset."
- The gotchas of CSS Nesting | Kilian Valkhof
"I've written before about the problems you can run into with CSS nesting (keep in mind that article uses an older syntax but the point still stands) and the question that @ChallengeCSS tweeted out today made me realize there's actually a few more gotcha's."
- The continuing tragedy of CSS: thoughts from CSS Day 2023 · Paul Robert Lloyd
"Like it or not, the web has always flourished under the direction of benevolent dictators, be that Tim Berners-Lee, Ian Hickson, or now the Chrome development team."