Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/14/2023
- Aaron Gustafson · GitHub
"My early upbringing greatly influenced my approach to web development. My grandmother taught me to treat others as I wished to be treated. I've come to appreciate how this principle aligns with a thought experiment by philosopher John Rawls."
- Organizing a web design system for scalability in Figma | by Allie Paschal | Apr, 2023 | UX Collective
"I've found that Figma doesn't like it when you start to near 60% of this 2GB capacity. So you really only have 1.2GB to work with before the evil file memory banners appear."
- Designing A Better Design Handoff File In Figma -- Smashing Magazine
"Designers, let's face the truth: there's no perfect handoff."
- Conditional CSS with :has and :nth-last-child - Ahmad Shadeed
"In this article, I will highlight a few examples of where we can combine a CSS selector with :has to have a conditional component/layout states."
- Advanced Form Control Styling With Selectmenu And Anchoring API -- Smashing Magazine
"The fact that all of this is coming by way of built-in browser features is what's most exciting because it gives us a standard way to approach things like customized <select> menus, popovers, and anchoring to the extent that it could eliminate the need for frameworks or libraries that we use today for the same things."
- Positioning anchored popovers | hidde.blog
"if your popover needs to be anchored to something, like a button or a form field, you can't "just" use absolute positioning. Instead, you can use JavaScript (today), or, excitingly, anchor positioning"
- Usablenet - Why Widgets Are Not Best For Digital Accessibility (Guest Post)
"To start, they are incredibly primitive. I and most other full-time screen reader users rely on advanced screen readers with many configurations that can be tailored to the person's specific needs and preferences."