Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/12/2023
- How large DOM sizes affect interactivity, and what you can do about it
"Even if you can't meaningfully reduce DOM size, there are some techniques you can use to isolate rendering work to a DOM subtree, such as CSS containment and the content-visibility CSS property."
- Quick Tip: Shipping Resilient CSS Components -- SitePoint
"It might seem quite bold to say, but container queries allow us to apply the "build once, deploy everywhere" methodology. As a design systems engineer, it really appeals to me to be able to ship design system components with built-in layout and style variants."
- Script evaluation and long tasks
"When loading scripts, it takes time for the browser to evaluate them prior to execution, which can cause long tasks. Learn how script evaluation works, and what you can do to keep it from causing long tasks during page load."
- Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps | daverupert.com
"The ability to easily - with a <meta> tag and a handful of CSS properties - create quality 60 FPS page transitions is a game changer and I look forward to what more creative people will do with this technology."
- Markdown images are an anti-pattern | daverupert.com
"To render an image responsibly in modern times you need a handful more properties than src and alt ; namely height, width, loading, and decoding attributes."
- Website Issues: On the Relevance of Audience Size and Impact · Jens Oliver Meiert
"While everyone knows that issues aren't all the same--that's why we work with different priority and severity levels in our issue management systems--, somehow, conformance, security, accessibility, performance, content, any issues may at some point all feel kind of the same, and be handled accordingly."