Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/11/2023
- Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture | Modern CSS Solutions
"The use of scroll-padding-block-end in this next rule allows for room between a focused element and the bottom of the viewport, which helps with tracking visible focus position."
- Linting defensive and logical CSS with Stylelint plugins - LogRocket Blog
"How can we alleviate this learning curve while ensuring our styles follow the modern best practices? Linting."
- Watch Out for Layout Shifts with 'ch' Units - Cloud Four
"ch units are really neat! But watch out for layout shifts when using them."
- Respect your children - TPGi
"Browsers and assistive technology are free to decide in the should not case what the best outcome is for their users and implement accordingly."
- Sticky content: focus in view - TetraLogical
"This may not always be known ahead of time, particularly if the dimensions of the sticky content container can change based on the actual height of its content. In those cases, you may have to resort to additional JavaScript to dynamically change the value of the scroll-margin or scroll-padding."
- Semantics and the popover attribute: what to use when? | hidde.blog
"In this post, we've covered some of the most common semantics you could choose to use with the popover behaviour: menu, dialog and listbox, plus looked at using tooltip for plain text tooltips or dialog for tooltips that contain anything more than plain text."
- Opportunities for AI in Accessibility :: Aaron Gustafson
"As with any tool, AI can be used in very constructive, inclusive, and accessible ways and it can used in destructive, exclusive, and harmful ones. And there are a ton of uses somewhere in the mediocre middle as well."