Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/10/2023
- Security.txt now mandatory for Dutch government websites
"The security.txt file on a web server contains the contact information for making contact if any vulnerabilities are found on that server. The aim is that, for example, ethical hackers can immediately contact the right person or department to tackle the vulnerability."
- Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta
"With macOS Sonoma, Apple goes all-in on the concept of installable web apps. They're highly integrated in the overall macOS experience and don't give away their web roots by not showing any Safari UI at all."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Reducing Complexity in Front End Development
"Jack envisages a time when we can vastly simplify our JS stack -- if not eradicating third-party dependencies completely, leaning on the web platform, and ensuring external dependencies are carefully considered and regularly evaluated."
- Performance Is Not a Checklist - Web Performance Consulting | TimKadlec.com
"Performance, like accessibility, is not about conformance."
- Understanding EU's Digital Accessibility Rules | by Vadim Sharapov | May, 2023 | UX Planet
"Non-compliance with the EAA can result in fines of up to €100,000 and costly site modifications ranging from €30,000 to €240,000. New feature releases could also be stalled for months. Implementing accessibility while building a website can cost 8x less then after. And implementing accessibility after losing law case can be 17x more expensive. Rules don't apply to microenterprises with fewer than ten employees and a turnover under €2 million."
- Designing for users with dyslexia | by Camryn Manker | May, 2023 | UX Collective
"Around 780 million people are dyslexic. This means that there are hundreds of millions of potential users who may encounter barriers when interacting with our products."