Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/09/2023
- SVG versus Canvas: Which technology to choose and why?
"Canvas is often sold as "not having to deal with the overhead of the DOM". In terms of accessibility, that "overhead" is your users."
- Boringness in Design Systems | daverupert.com
"All these complexities dilute the component towards a bland defensive design, averaging itself against every possible permutation of content. As utility goes up, so does boringness in a design system."
- imartinez/privateGPT: Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
"Ask questions to your documents without an internet connection, using the power of LLMs. 100% private, no data leaves your execution environment at any point. You can ingest documents and ask questions without an internet connection!"
- How Screen-Reader Users Type on and Control Mobile Devices
"Controlling a screen reader on a smartphone is more difficult than on a computer, but users still learn to do it because mobile devices offer so many benefits in their lives."
- Hiding The Complexity of Element Selection - Chris Coyier
"But how do they know what elements to select to do that? One website might set the overall background on the <html>, another the <body>, and another a site-covering <div>."
- No, 'AI' Will Not Fix Accessibility -- Adrian Roselli
"Accessibility is about people. It is not strictly a technical problem to be solved with code. It is not the approximation of human-like ramblings produced by complex algorithms generally branded as "AI"."
- Beyond Labels: Rethinking Regulation of AI-Generated Content - Daniemon's Blog
"This content is human-generated except the title and image, with all its fingers."