Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/28/2023
- Conducting Mobile Accessibility Research with Screen-Reader Users
"Specialized recruiting services for users with disabilities can be very expensive. In contrast, recruiting through word of mouth can be surprisingly effective and fairly cheap."
- Vertical rhythm using CSS lh and rlh units | pawelgrzybek.com
"Luckily, the CSS Values and Units Module Level 4 defines two helpful units that make the job a breeze: lh and rlh, which are equal to the computed line-height of the element on which it is used and the root element, respectively."
- Introducing the popover API - Chrome Developers
"The popover API is the first step in a series of new capabilities to make building web applications easier to manage and more accessible by default."
- The Popover API is exciting, sort of | Ryan Trimble
"Unlike the View Transitions API though, Popovers are not necessarily something that can easily be used as a progressive enhancement."
- Twoot -- Parker Ortolani
"Post to Twitter and Mastodon at the same time"
- The tech industry's accessibility-related products and launches this week | Engadget
"From Apple and Google to Webex and Adobe, the industry's biggest players have launched new features to make their products easier to use. Here's a quick roundup of this week's GAAD news."