Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/14/2023
- Mozilla Social Private Beta Launch
"Our content moderation plan is rooted in the goals and values expressed in our Mozilla Manifesto -- human dignity, inclusion, security, individual expression and collaboration."
- The mystery of how Mars meteorites reach Earth may finally be solved | Space
"Scientists have discovered that the force needed to eject rocks from the surface of Mars that eventually pelt Earth as meteorites is actually much lower than previously believed."
- Figma Token Engine: Quick Start. Practical guide to configure and use... | by Daniel Casado | Mar, 2023 | Medium
"The main objective of the tool is to simplify the standarization and update of these decisions throughout all the digital products sharing a Design System."
- Versioning Design Tokens - by Francesco Improta
"Design tokens are an essential aspect of every Design System. Versioning them correctly is crucial for maintaining consistency and ensuring everyone is on the same page."
- Creating an animated gradient border with CSS
"background: This property creates a two-layered background using two linear gradients. The first gradient is a solid color (#000) that fills the box's padding area. The second gradient creates the shiny effect and is animated using the custom property --angle."
- WAI-ARIA Usage
"Add the WAI-ARIA Usage bookmarklet to evaluate document conformance requirements for use of ARIA attributes in HTML and allowed ARIA roles, states, and properties."