Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/13/2023
- The Contrast Triangle
"Removing underlines from links in HTML text presents an accessibility challenge. In order for a design to be considered accessible, there is now a three-sided design contraint - or what I call "The Contrast Triangle"."
- Digital Accessibility Is a Bigger Education Issue Than We Think. Here's What We Can Do About It. | EdSurge News
"Accessibility isn't optional. It isn't something to add on later. It must be foundational to the work we do as education professionals."
- #AudioEye Is Suing Me -- Adrian Roselli
"On Wednesday March 8, 2023, a man who turned out to be a process server came to my house and delivered a stack of papers -- a 30 page lawsuit from Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP along with Buffalo-area firm Phillips Lytle LLP, both representing AudioEye, Inc."
- Open Web Docs
"We are a community of web developers, standards makers, and technology companies that considers web platform documentation to be critical digital infrastructure, and we work cooperatively to ensure its long-term health."
- Introducing the Android UI design hub | by Adhithya | Android Developers | May, 2023 | Medium
"The Android UI Design Hub is your comprehensive resource for mastering the art of designing and implementing UI on a diverse range of devices, from smartphones and tablets to foldables to wearables and TV."
- A Heart-felt Apology and a Chance to Start Again
"As the founder of accessiBe, I have a responsibility to lead by example. I am committed to listening to your feedback and concerns and to taking actions that reflect that."